Smart ring will inform the mind.


Smart ring will inform the mind.

Smart ring will inform the mind.
Smart ring will inform the mind.

The 'Happy Ring' can detect the mental state of the user using biometric sensors and artificial intelligence technology. This smart ring with EDA (Electrodermal Activity) sensor can know the user's mood by analyzing the nervous system of the finger skin. Not only that, the app also advises the user to be calm or alert.

The smart ring is made by Happy Health. Although it looks like an ordinary ring, it has a biometric sensor and battery inside. The sensor detects the user's stress level by reviewing the activity of the nervous system under the skin. The data is analyzed through artificial intelligence technology and sends regular messages to users' mobile phones. The battery inside the ring needs to be charged every three days.

Happy Health did not say when the ring will be available or how much it will cost. A smart A ring capable of sending information through an app running on the iOS operating system will soon be available in the US market.


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